Saturday, August 9, 2008

Never find a love like this

So for about the last hour, I've been reading the blogs of the lady whos little 14 month old daughter drowned in their hot tub. Seriously brought tears to my eyes. Just thinking "what if" that ever happened to me. It makes me want to break down just thinking about anything ever happening to Malakai. In a short 9 weeks, i've fallen soo in love with this little boy. He is my life. I live for the little guy. When people told me that being a parent was the best feeling in the world, they were 100% right. Just looking at him brings a smile to my face. I love watching him smile and hearing him "coo." I feel as if I have everything I could ever possibly need in life. I want him to stay tiny forever, but I can't wait for him to grow and learn and become an amazing person that I know he will be. I want to give him the best of me and be the best mom I can. I want him to have the best life possible. I couldn't love my husband and my son anymore than I already do. They make life worth living. I'm so greatful to have such a wonderful family and life.

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