Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A little update

We just got back from our amazing trip to the Bahamas. We had a blast and can't wait to see all of my family again. It is always a blast when we are together.

Malakai is now 11 months old. I cannot believe in just one short month he will be one year old. Time really goes by too quick. He is the best baby I could have ever asked for. He is so incredibly smart and always puts a smile on everybodies faces. He is the biggest flirt ever, and has the longest eyelashes in the world. He melts my heart and I cannot stop kissing him. He is into everything and should hopefully be walking here soon.

I am hoping to get on here and update more often, now that my amazing friend Brooklyn showed me a few things :) Things here have just been a little crazy, and are about to get even crazier. Malakai and I leave for Utah on the 20th of this month, and very shortly after we leave, Tobias will be deloying for a few months. So we are hoping to catch up with some family and old friends while we are there over the summer!

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